Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Modern Technology of Steve Jobs King

Modern Technology of Steve Jobs King
Steve Jobs is most likely one of the best innovators of our time and the news of his death has distressed the world. He may disappear but he has left us such a huge legacy. He has modernized individual computing into both an art and a science. Graphic designers are no exemption to his influence. Many of us own a Mac or iPad, not just because our friends do, but because they are simple to use and trusty. As he once said, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” right to his word, he has led Apple to produce gadgets that are both good quality to look at and enjoyable to use. A lot of Apple fans, artists and designers all over the world rewarded mark of respect to the master of present technology by using their amazing paintings, illustrations, mosaics, comics and other artworks. Without a hesitation, Steve Jobs has not only modernized the digital industry, but also prejudiced the way we look at art and design....


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