Sunday, December 25, 2011

Florida Safari Christmas Gifts For Chimpanzees

Florida Safari Christmas Gifts For Chimpanzees
America’s 1st cage less zoo in Florida’s Lion state Safari, its celebrate 26th annual Christmas with the Chimps on December 22. Santa Claus move on by ship to meet the chimpanzees and present them their Christmas presents gifts. The Jane Good all institution and chimp volunteers present the gifts for the zoo animals. Gifts are usually enhancement tools for the chimps, but they also receive edibles and other goodies that make the day special. You may know that chimpanzees really like cloths and santa also give some cloths as present.  This day is also unusual for the reason that it is the single day of the year that zoo guests (visitors) are permissible to get out of their cars for the duration of their visits. The other zoo animals aren’t missing out for Christmas, each. Lions and elephants are given Christmas trees, and others gift too.

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